Register Now: Beyond 2020
EveryAGE Counts presents the latest research on the value of fully including older workers in a diverse, multi-generational workforce, in a webinar featuring an exciting line-up of international and Australian panellists.
Panellists will lay out the evidence of ageism and age discrimination in the workforce, bust the myths around older workers, make the business case for age inclusion in employment and reflect on the impact of the COVID pandemic on older workers in Australia and internationally.
Join Robert Tickner (EveryAGE Counts Co-Chair) facilitating discussion with panellists and a broad audience from across the spectrum of Australian life, coming together to catalyse around a new approach to lifting participation and inclusion of older workers in the workforce, including refreshing government policy and employment practices in the workplace.
Confirmed speaker are
- Mr Mark Keese, Head of the Skills and Employability Division in the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs at the OECD
- Dr Kay Patterson, Australian Age Discrimination Commissioner
- Ms Melissa Grober-Morrow, Director, Thought Leadership – Financial Resilience, AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)
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